tisdag 10 september 2013

Dagens Grannliv

Gårdsbackens höns... och Champis älskar att frossa i skottkärrlass av grönsaker...

Kontakta Gårdsbacken

6 kommentarer:

  1. It has been raining here the whole day, but the sweet pictures of Champi and the "Chicken Gang" makes me smile :-) Thanks for that! Hug! Nastassja

    1. Hi Nastassja!
      You are welcome and I'm glad that I could make you feel better. Here in Sweden we have had some really nice weather for quite many Days now. It's has been warm like it in the middle of summer. We Went a bit South of Sweden to compete with Fame this weekend and it was almost to hot in the sun. You can't belive that we soon are in the middle of septembre. I hope that the sun is shining over you as well at this moment... :)
      It's Always nice to hear from you!


  2. Sweet little Champis <3 I am looking forward his "babisår". Whether they will be rabbits or chickens? :)


    Timea and family

    1. :)
      You are funny, Timea... :))
      Actually I Think I've found a sweet Little bunnygirl to Champis. She is all black, so in a couple of month they are gonna meet and we'll see if they like each other. I'm gonna show you a Picture of her soon... :)

      Take care and give Gustav an extra carrot from us at Gårdsbacken. Champis is very spoiled at the moment, I give him a handfull of carrots erery day... :))


    2. Oh, thank you! It's very exciting, I am looking forward the seeing the picture.

      Gustav is a bit chubby, so got a few carrots, but I promise that I will give him a bit in your name :) By the way last evening Zoltan also suggested a name to your baby bird. He wrote a comment in swedish as Gustav :)

      Kram, and have a nice day!

      Timea and family

  3. I will join the international contingent and say what sweet pictures of Champis and his chicken groupies. What a grand feast for them!

    I could not talk our wild baby bunny into being a mail-order bride for the handsome Champis, so sweet Little Bunnygirl will have no competition from her (or him, possibly, which may explain the polite refusal).

    Kram! K.
