...Har jag någon insektskunnig läsare månne?
I somras när vi var på besök på Furusund, nära Norrtälje, så var vi ute och promenerade med hundarna sent en kväll. Det hade hunnit bli riktigt mörkt ute och både jag och Danne såg då en liten "lampa" i dikeskanten. En liten "lampa" med grönt starkt sken!
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Fotat med vår mobilkamera
När vi tände vår ficklampa och lyste på det gröna skenet visade det sig vara en larv med en självlysande bakdel. Vi lyckades ta en ganska bra bild tycker jag. Jag har provat att googla på självlysande larver men inte hittat vår lille vän. Är det någon läsare som vet vad det är för en sort? Jag skulle tycka att det var kul att veta namnet på krypet. Att de har samlingsnamnet eldfluga har jag förstått.
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Hoppas ni ser hur han ser ut...
Hoppas på svar!!! :))
Ah, dear friends, this information is from firefly.org!
Adult fireflies aren't the only ones that glow. In some species, the larvae and even the eggs emit light. Firefly eggs have been observed to flash in response to stimulus such as gentle tapping or vibrations.
Scientifically, fireflies are classified under Lampyridae, a family of insects within the beetle order Coleoptera, or winged beetles.
I never knew that the larvae and eggs can glow! You guys are quite brilliant, very bright, I would even say ;) The website also likes knowing what fireflies are called all over the world. We also call them lightning bugs. I am always quite happy when I see my first lightning bug of the summer, usually in June.
Kram! K.
RaderaThank you dear Kelly for all the information about fireflies.
It was an experience to see it. The light was so strong, we really thought it was a Little flashlight at first... :)
I'm gonna read some more about it later when I get more time available.
Thanks again!
Champis has received fond well wishes and several job offers from the bunny-loving followers of Disapproving Rabbits...check out the comments.
This site was started, if I remember correctly, because a couple noticed that their rabbit always had a faint look of disapproval on his face. They took pictures and put funny captions with them, implying the bunny's disapproval was of his human minions....er, owners. So, the humor is always at the expense of us "hoomins", never of the rabbits. They sometimes post pictures of bunnies who are available for adoption in shelters, which is quite nice.
I'm gonna look more at disapprovingrabbits later.