Jag tycker att det är så väldigt roligt att få mejl från er läsare där ni berättar om er själva och era djur. Självklart lägger jag inte ut någonting på bloggen utan tillåtelse från Er.
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Hur söt kan man vara på en skala? STOOORA fötter!!!
I dagens inlägg vill jag presentera lilla söta Gisella som är från Italien. Matte Barbara mejlade mig lite bilder. Gisella hade vid tillfället lite problem med någon variant av ögoninfektion och jag hoppas att hon tillfrisknat från den.
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Trygg i mattes famn... <3
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Gisella är söt som socker!
Matte Barbra hade varit med Gisella till veterinären och hoppades att ögondropparna hon fick utskrivna skulle hjälpa henne.
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Skönt att ligga utsträckt på golvet... Som en liten dammtuss... :))
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Gisella har ett rent och fint bur men får även skutta fritt i parets lägenhet...
Tack snälla Barbara får alla fina bilder på Gisella och för att du delade med dig av dem. Hoppas verkligen att Gisella mår bättre och att hennes ögon är friska igen. Jag vill gärna svara på dina funderingar gällande Champis...
Jag förmodar att Champis håller sig frisk för att han lever ett lyckligt kaninliv. Han får skutta fritt och han har alltid många andra djur i sin närhet så han behöver aldrig känna sig ensam. Vi är noga med att det alltid ska vara rent och fint runt omkring honom och vi ser även till att han alltid har rent dricksvatten och fräsch mat att tillgå. Och till sist men absolut inte minst viktigt så vi lyfter upp honom i famnen så gott som varje dag och stryker han päls och hans öron. Det tycker han mycket om...<3 Så kärlek och ömhet är också viktigt!
Namnet Champis kommer av den svenska läskedrycken som heter just Champis. Han päls har nämligen samma färg som den läskedryken... :))
Sköt om Er och klappa om Gisella från oss på Gårdsbacken
Kontakta Gårdsbacken
Bella, bella Gisella! How lovely to know she is there in Italy in such a caring home. I also hope her eye trouble clears up, perhaps with antibiotic ointment?
SvaraRaderaChampis would surely fall in love with this beauty...
Kram! K.
RaderaThat sounded beautiful...
Bella, bella Gisella
You are so sweet Kelly, You really care so much about all creatures. You truly is a really merciful person. <3
Thanks so much Paula for this marvellous blog on Gisella!!!
SvaraRaderaYes, Kelly she's totally recovered with her eye, she also had her vaccine against mixo from mosquito bites (it's a potential problem here, don't know about Sweden?...) - she's had both antibiotic eyedrops and then natural chamomile drops. I suppose it must have been our dusty flat as we live on the first floor of a big block of 8 floors and everyone shakes their carpet out of the window:-( plus the air conditioning and the ceiling fan....we had around 35°C otherwise...prior to that she was used to be outside in a big rabbit cage in a nice garden with her mum, dad and brother...plus lots of birds, dogs, cats and kids....guess she missed it in the beginning especially...now she's on holiday at my mum where she's got lots of space and attention, very spoilt:-), treated like a grandchild....she could be big Champis litlle fiancée?!...XXXHugs to all, barbaraX
You are more then welcome and it really makes me happy to hear that Gisella feeling better. Gladly she is around goodhearted people.
RaderaIt could not be that nice with the heat and the terrible dust you got, it doesn't sounds like a good combination.
Thanks a lot for your nice e-mail as well and I must show my readers especially one sweet Picture of Gisella you sent me in your last mail... The one where she was sitting in a bowl. So Watch out, dear friends, for supersweet Little Gisella from Itlay.
Hi Paula, how are you? Champis? The Farm & Famiy? Wish you all very good...yes, Gisella in the little bowl was in her original owners' house, where she was born and where we got her from! And... she was a present:-) we really appreciate it, they were kind hearted animal lovers. Sweet, isn't she? Now her immune system is fine because she has a lot of space to run around...basically she gradually colonised all of mum's flat...trouble is she goes to loo everywhere sometimes:-) we really laugh about it...my mum is not strict at all, whilst Dan worries too much about ther health in case she gets sick and is too much into cleaning....she's a lot more relaxed and happy with mum, just around the corner from our little place...take care you all, ciao from me and Gizella, a pat from her paw to her Prince CharmingChampis....love to all the chickens too...and to your lovely dogs that have that white stripe like Gisella on their face, Barbara
RaderaHi Barbara!
RaderaWe are just fine, all of us here at Gardsbacken. I must show my readers that wonderful Picture of Gisella in the Little bowl. It is supersweet... <3
I'm glad to hear that Gisella is doing fine at your mothers and that she got a lot of space to jump around. They need to do that, I Think. To many rabbits have to Little space to live in, that is sad... :(
Thank you very much for your comment, I really appriciate it.
More Gisela, hurray! What a relaxed little bun she will be after her vacation!+
SvaraRaderaI had to read up on myxomatosis, Barbara. Here in the USA there is not an FDA-cleared vaccine available. The good news seems to be that the disease is isolated to the coast of California. The bad news is, it is almost always fatal in the poor infected bunnies. Now, these are domesticated bunnies; our wild guys such as cottontails are resistant. Flea and mosquito control appear to be really the only way of controlling it.
I always learn something here!
Hugs to all! K.
Very interesting Kelly about myxomatosis not being a problem there! Glad about it...I'm quite against in over vaccinating campains, for people's ordinary flu for instance...but being fatal for rabbits we eventually decided to have it done for her...especially if we put her on a lead and take her out running up the hills;-)...here we wanted to adopt an abandoned rabbit, rather than buying one, but they won't give it out to you unless if you have it vaccinated and sterilised...they were a lot of conditions to meet, so unexpectedly one night I came up the advert where she was inside her bowl and thought she was really cute..glad they still had her, some 35 km away in the lovely countryside outside our Bologna city...had no car at the time, had to wait for Dan to be home to get a lift....how's your pets? take much care, thanks for the info...situations vary a lot worldwide, eh?...:-), Ciao from Italy, Barbara
SvaraRaderaHey, Barbara! You have got me thinking about the differences in vaccines in different areas, especially in the animal kingdom.
SvaraRaderaI am catching up on my blog so if you check in on it next week (I think you can click on my name and see the link to CashelRocks) I will try to explain some of what we do specifically where I live in Virginia...
Hope to see you here, too!
Hugs from America! K.
Dear Kelly and Paula! Thanks for the rhymes on Gisella...I should say Gisella la coniglietta Monella (The naughty rabbit)....we don't seem to be able to toilet train her...mmm.... sorry have been absorbed totally by late 'spring cleaning'...we had dust mites and sort of moths in the wardrobe....so we had to make sure everything is dustmite proof....I'm having a look at your blog, great! So glad that Champis has also got a cousin in US, besides an 'admirer' in Italy... I don't know how Gisella could ever meet him (can rabbits travel abroad by car or plane?)....online, maybe;-)...Ciao from Italy, Barbara
RaderaHello Barbara!
That can be a problem, when they dont do their toilet at the same Place everytime. I Think it's more common that they do.
I'm glad that you are following us at our blog, hope you can use google translate...
Maybe you can put her om the bus, destination Gårdsbacken...
It would be great to meet her in person...;)) Actually, Danne and I loves Italy. We have been there ones. We drove the hole way. We would love to go to beautiful Italy again sometime... :))
Take care!
Dear Paula and Dan,
SvaraRaderathat would be great if you could come to visit Italy...no idea if Champis could come as well, maybe in a cage (:_(...? Glad you like Italy!! Your pix of your animals are getting always better:-). Thank you. Take very good care, you lot!