Champis lives with a flock of Rya sheep, for the moment about 60 ewes, together with some chickens and a magnificent rooster. I have told you about the chickens earlier. The farmer who owns the animals is a friendly man , and he likes and takes care of his animals very much.
Så här är det:
Champis bor tillsammans med en besättning Ryafår, för tillfället ett sextiotal djur plus några höns och en ståtlig tupp. Jag har berättat för er om hönsen förut. Bonden som äger djuren är en vänlig man, och han sköter och tycker om sina djur väldigt mycket.
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The farmer takes good care of his sheep. Bonden sköter väl om sina djur... |
Since Champis runs free in the barn, the farmer must look out for him when he's feeding his sheep. He must look out, so he don't step on Champis...
Eftersom Champis springer fritt omkring i ladugården så måste bonden se upp varje gång djuren ska utfodras och han kommer med ett fång hö till fåren. Han måste se upp så han inte råkar kliva på Champis...
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The farmer doesn't see so much, when he's carrying hay. Bonden har svårt att se när han kommer med händerna fulla med hö... |
I imagine that many of you who have seen "Dinner for one" have laughed at the waitor James trying to avoid to trip on the head of the tigerskin. :))
The farmer sometimes feels like James, trying to avoid to trip over Champis. :)) The lanes are narrow where he passes and while carrying hay, he can't always see where to put his feet...
Alla er som sett Grevinnan och betjänten på nyår förmodar jag har skrattat åt betjänten James som försöker unvika att snubbla på tigerfällen när han passerar den... men lyckas inte så bra varje gång. :))
Bonden liknar sina tappra försök att inte snubbla på Champis på samma sätt. :)) Gångarna är smala där han passerar och han har famnen så full med hö att han inte ser marken framför sig...
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Champis often sits in the middle of the lane... Champis har ofta placerat sig mitt i gången... |
Champis often sits there, in the middle of the lane... and the farmer has no chance to see him when he passes. Sometimes, totally without purpose, the farmer accidently kicks him with his boot.
-Ooops! the farmer shouts, afraid that he had hurt the little rabbit......
Champis brukar många gånger placera sig där, mitt i gången... Inte har Bonden någon chans att se honom varje gång han passerar. Ibland, helt ofrivilligt råkar han kicka till honom med stöveln.
-Ooops! utropar Bonden och blir rädd att han skadat den lille kaninen...
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Bonden kickar ofrivilligt till Champis... |
...but Champis, he doesn't even blink, he just sits there. The farmer feels ashamed .
-Sorry Champis, he says.
-I really didn't mean to hurt you, he continues, and surely means what he says. Champis, han blinkar inte ens, han är helt oberörd. Bonden känner sig skamsen som vållat honom obehag och är snabb att be om ursäkt.
-Förlåt Champis, säger han.
-Jag menade verkligen inte att göra dig illa, fortsätter han och menar verkligen vad han säger.
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Sorry Champis, says the farmer... Förlåt, säger Bonden till Champis... |
Champis looks up and the farmer can see in his eyes that he knows that it was without purpose. And maybe most important:
He said sorry!!!
Champis vänder upp huvudet mot honom och Bonden kan se i hans ögon att han förstår att det inte var meningen. Och kanske viktigast av allt:
Han bad om förlåt!!!
Among the most beautiful words,
I'm sorry
Bland de vackraste ord som finns,
Gårdsbacken blog is written by Paula Lundberg & Dan Westman
Please contact Gårdsbacken
# +46 706597199
But... how nice look these sheep?!! They look intellingent and smart. They must be happy sheep.
SvaraRaderaI have seen that usually farm animals in reality don't look nice and fun as in the cartoons, of course... but these ones look like. You can see their personality.
Ciao from Italy,
Ciao Paola!
RaderaGrazie for you kind words. It makes us happy to read about your point of view regarding animals. Each animal have their own personality, even the smallest chicken!
All the best to Italy!
/Paula at Gardsbacken
Såg att Champis passerat över 2 miljoner visningar på You tube..helt fantastiskt!
SvaraRaderaJätte kul..och samtidigt är man ju lite stolt som svensk att Champis också är det;>))
Ja, det är helt fantastiskt att han gjort sådan kometkarriär som filmstjärna ;))
RaderaHeja Champis!!!
/Paula på Gårdsbacken
Greetings from Maryland, in the United States. I have a 13 year old rabbit who is no longer able to walk. He has Champis' spirit though, and when he was young, he would chase my dog. Your lovely video brought tears to my eyes. If only everyone treated their animals as kindly the world would be such a wonderful place. Best Regards! SMP
SvaraRaderaHi Rogue!
RaderaIt must be unusual that a rabbit gets so old as 13 year. He must be very good taking care of. It should be every animal's right to be treated well by humans, and I agree about that the world in that case would be a wonderful place. And if people are nice to animal's I'm sure that they treat humans good as well...
All the best to you
/Paula at Gardsbacken
Hello! Your video of Champis brought me so much joy! Thank you, so much, for sharing it with the world. I have two bunnies and one, named Buckingham, who actually looks a lot like Champis, is now recovering from a terrible illness. As he's gaining his strength back I feel so inspired by his perserverance. He's a lovely rabbit, and I think we can all learn something from special rabbits like Champis and Buckingham. Thank you again and please give Champis a nice little petting from Buckingham and me. -- Dana
SvaraRaderaHi Dana!
RaderaWe are glad to here that Champis brought you joy. We never thought that he would affect so many people around the world.
Take good care of yourself and your dear animals.
/Paula at Gardsbacken
Heja Champis & Farmer.
SvaraRaderaI live near San Francisco, but my grandmother was Swedish, from Fritsla.
I have a 3 year old mini Holland Lop named Chip. Chip thinks Champis is very clever and brave to herd all those sheep! Chip lives a life of leisure at home with us. He likes to sit at my feet while I study or is underfoot in the kitchen when I'm cooking. Sometimes we run into one another... then we apologize too and have a good laugh.
Cheers to Champis from Chip & Karen all the way from California.
Hello Karen and Chip!
SvaraRaderaThank you for your nice comment.
Most important is that you remember to apologize... :))
All the best to you in sunny California.
/Paula at Gardsbacken